## Makefile for Vamp aubio plugin using MinGW tools on Windows. ## ## Edit this to adjust compiler and library settings when ## building using MinGW. ## ## Note that the list of source files, etc, goes in Makefile.inc ## instead so that it can be included by all platform Makefiles. # Location of Vamp plugin SDK relative to the project directory VAMPSDK_DIR ?= ../vamp-plugin-sdk # Location of libvamp-sdk.dll VAMPDLL_DIR ?= ../vamp-plugin-sdk-2.5-binaries-win32-mingw # Location of libaubio-4.dll AUBIO_MINGW32_DISTDIR ?= ../aubio-dist-mingw32 # Toolchain prefix TOOLPREFIX ?= i586-mingw32msvc- CXX = $(TOOLPREFIX)g++ CC = $(TOOLPREFIX)gcc LD = $(TOOLPREFIX)g++ AR = $(TOOLPREFIX)ar RANLIB = $(TOOLPREFIX)ranlib # For a debug build... #CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -g # ... or for a release build CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -O3 -ftree-vectorize # add AUBIO_MINGW32_DISTDIR to ARCHFLAGS ARCHFLAGS := -I$(AUBIO_MINGW32_DISTDIR)/usr/local/include # add AUBIO_MINGW32_DISTDIR to PLUGIN_LDFLAGS PLUGIN_LDFLAGS := -L$(AUBIO_MINGW32_DISTDIR)/usr/local/lib # Libraries and linker flags required by plugin: add any -l # options here PLUGIN_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--enable-auto-import PLUGIN_LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,--retain-symbols-file=vamp-plugin.list PLUGIN_LIBS := $(VAMPDLL_DIR)/libvamp-sdk.dll # File extension for plugin library on this platform PLUGIN_EXT := .dll include Makefile.inc