@prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix vamp: . @prefix plugbase: . @prefix owl: . @prefix dc: . @prefix af: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix doap: . @prefix cc: . @prefix : <#> . <> a vamp:PluginDescription ; foaf:maker ; foaf:primaryTopic . :maker foaf:name "Paul Brossier" ; foaf:logo ; foaf:page . :vamp-aubio a vamp:PluginLibrary ; vamp:identifier "vamp-aubio" ; dc:title "Vamp Aubio plugins" ; dc:description "The Vamp Aubio Plugins provide methods from Paul Brossier's aubio annotation library, including beat and tempo tracking, onset detection, pitch detection, note tracking, silence detector, and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients." ; foaf:maker :maker ; foaf:page ; doap:download-page ; vamp:has_source true ; vamp:has_binary "win32" ; vamp:has_binary "osx" ; vamp:has_binary "linux64" ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubionotes ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubioonset ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiopitch ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiosilence ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiotempo ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiomfcc ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiomelenergy ; vamp:available_plugin plugbase:aubiospecdesc ; . plugbase:aubionotes a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Note Tracker" ; vamp:name "Aubio Note Tracker" ; vamp:category "Notes" ; dc:description """Estimate note onset positions, pitches and durations""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubionotes" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "4" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_onsettype ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_pitchtype ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_minpitch ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_maxpitch ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_wraprange ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_avoidleaps ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_peakpickthreshold ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_silencethreshold ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubionotes_param_minioi ; vamp:output plugbase:aubionotes_output_notes ; . plugbase:aubionotes_param_onsettype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "onsettype" ; dc:title "Onset Detection Function Type" ; dc:description """Type of onset detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 7 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 3 ; vamp:value_names ( "Energy Based" "Spectral Difference" "High-Frequency Content" "Complex Domain" "Phase Deviation" "Kullback-Liebler" "Modified Kullback-Liebler" "Spectral Flux"); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_pitchtype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "pitchtype" ; dc:title "Pitch Detection Function Type" ; dc:description """Type of pitch detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 4 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 4 ; vamp:value_names ( "YIN Frequency Estimator" "Spectral Comb" "Schmitt" "Fast Harmonic Comb" "YIN with FFT"); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_minpitch a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "minpitch" ; dc:title "Minimum Pitch" ; dc:description """Lowest pitch value to look for""" ; dc:format "MIDI units" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 127 ; vamp:unit "MIDI units" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 32 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_maxpitch a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "maxpitch" ; dc:title "Maximum Pitch" ; dc:description """Highest pitch value to look for""" ; dc:format "MIDI units" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 127 ; vamp:unit "MIDI units" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 95 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_wraprange a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "wraprange" ; dc:title "Fold Higher or Lower Notes into Range" ; dc:description """Notes detected outside the range will be transposed to higher or lower octaves""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 0 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_avoidleaps a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "avoidleaps" ; dc:title "Avoid Multi-Octave Jumps" ; dc:description """Minimize octave jumps by transposing to the octave of the previously detected note""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 0 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_peakpickthreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "peakpickthreshold" ; dc:title "Peak Picker Threshold" ; dc:description """Peak picking threshold, the higher the least detection""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 0.3 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_silencethreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "silencethreshold" ; dc:title "Silence Threshold" ; dc:description """Silence threshold, the higher the least detection""" ; dc:format "dB" ; vamp:min_value -120 ; vamp:max_value 0 ; vamp:unit "dB" ; vamp:default_value -70 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_param_minioi a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "minioi" ; dc:title "Minimum Inter-Onset Interval" ; dc:description """Time interval below which two consecutive onsets should be merged""" ; dc:format "ms" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 40 ; vamp:unit "ms" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 4 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubionotes_output_notes a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "notes" ; dc:title "Notes" ; dc:description """List of notes detected, with their frequency and velocity""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "Hz" ; vamp:bin_count 2 ; vamp:bin_names ( "Frequency" "Velocity"); vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubioonset a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Onset Detector" ; vamp:name "Aubio Onset Detector" ; vamp:category "Time > Onsets" ; dc:description """Estimate note onset times""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubioonset" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "2" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubioonset_param_onsettype ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubioonset_param_peakpickthreshold ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubioonset_param_silencethreshold ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubioonset_param_minioi ; vamp:output plugbase:aubioonset_output_onsets ; vamp:output plugbase:aubioonset_output_odf ; vamp:output plugbase:aubioonset_output_todf ; . plugbase:aubioonset_param_onsettype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "onsettype" ; dc:title "Onset Detection Function Type" ; dc:description """Type of onset detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 7 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 3 ; vamp:value_names ( "Energy Based" "Spectral Difference" "High-Frequency Content" "Complex Domain" "Phase Deviation" "Kullback-Liebler" "Modified Kullback-Liebler" "Spectral Flux"); . plugbase:aubioonset_param_peakpickthreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "peakpickthreshold" ; dc:title "Peak Picker Threshold" ; dc:description """Threshold used for peak picking, the higher the more detections""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 0.3 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubioonset_param_silencethreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "silencethreshold" ; dc:title "Silence Threshold" ; dc:description """Silence threshold, the higher the least detection""" ; dc:format "dB" ; vamp:min_value -120 ; vamp:max_value 0 ; vamp:unit "dB" ; vamp:default_value -70 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubioonset_param_minioi a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "minioi" ; dc:title "Minimum Inter-Onset Interval" ; dc:description """Time interval below which two consecutive onsets should be merged""" ; dc:format "ms" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 40 ; vamp:unit "ms" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 4 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubioonset_output_onsets a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "onsets" ; dc:title "Onsets" ; dc:description """List of times at which a note onset was detected""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubioonset_output_odf a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "onsets" ; dc:title "Onsets" ; dc:description """Output of the onset detection function""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; vamp:computes_signal_type af:Signal ; . plugbase:aubioonset_output_todf a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "onsets" ; dc:title "Onsets" ; dc:description """Output of the thresholded onset detection function""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; . plugbase:aubiopitch a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Pitch Detector" ; vamp:name "Aubio Pitch Detector" ; vamp:category "Pitch" ; dc:description """Track estimated note pitches""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiopitch" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "3" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiopitch_param_pitchtype ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiopitch_param_minfreq ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiopitch_param_maxfreq ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiopitch_param_wraprange ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiopitch_param_silencethreshold ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiopitch_output_frequency ; . plugbase:aubiopitch_param_pitchtype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "pitchtype" ; dc:title "Pitch Detection Function Type" ; dc:description """Type of pitch detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 4 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 4 ; vamp:value_names ( "YIN Frequency Estimator" "Spectral Comb" "Schmitt" "Fast Harmonic Comb" "YIN with FFT"); . plugbase:aubiopitch_param_minfreq a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "minfreq" ; dc:title "Minimum Fundamental Frequency" ; dc:description """Lowest frequency to look for""" ; dc:format "Hz" ; vamp:min_value 1 ; vamp:max_value 24000 ; vamp:unit "Hz" ; vamp:default_value 51.9131 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiopitch_param_maxfreq a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "maxfreq" ; dc:title "Maximum Fundamental Frequency" ; dc:description """Highest frequency to look for""" ; dc:format "Hz" ; vamp:min_value 1 ; vamp:max_value 24000 ; vamp:unit "Hz" ; vamp:default_value 1975.53 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiopitch_param_wraprange a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "wraprange" ; dc:title "Fold Higher or Lower Frequencies into Range" ; dc:description """Frequencies detected outside the range will be transposed to higher or lower octaves""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 0 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiopitch_param_silencethreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "silencethreshold" ; dc:title "Silence Threshold" ; dc:description """Silence threshold, the higher the least detection""" ; dc:format "dB" ; vamp:min_value -120 ; vamp:max_value 0 ; vamp:unit "dB" ; vamp:default_value -90 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiopitch_output_frequency a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "frequency" ; dc:title "Fundamental Frequency" ; dc:description """List of detected frequencies""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "Hz" ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiosilence a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Silence Detector" ; vamp:name "Aubio Silence Detector" ; vamp:category "Low Level Features" ; dc:description """Detect levels below a certain threshold""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiosilence" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "4" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiosilence_param_silencethreshold ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiosilence_output_silent ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiosilence_output_noisy ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiosilence_output_silencelevel ; . plugbase:aubiosilence_param_silencethreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "silencethreshold" ; dc:title "Silence Threshold" ; dc:format "dB" ; vamp:min_value -120 ; vamp:max_value 0 ; vamp:unit "dB" ; vamp:default_value -80 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiosilence_output_silent a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "silent" ; dc:title "Silent Regions" ; dc:description """Return an interval covering each silent region""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiosilence_output_noisy a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "noisy" ; dc:title "Non-Silent Regions" ; dc:description """Return an interval covering each non-silent region""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiosilence_output_silencelevel a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "silencelevel" ; dc:title "Silence Test" ; dc:description """Return a function that switches from 1 to 0 when silence falls, and back again when it ends""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; a vamp:QuantizedOutput ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; a vamp:KnownExtentsOutput ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiotempo a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Beat Tracker" ; vamp:name "Aubio Beat Tracker" ; vamp:category "Time > Tempo" ; dc:description """Estimate the musical tempo and track beat positions""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiotempo" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "2" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiotempo_param_onsettype ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiotempo_param_peakpickthreshold ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiotempo_param_silencethreshold ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiotempo_output_beats ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiotempo_output_tempo ; . plugbase:aubiotempo_param_onsettype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "onsettype" ; dc:title "Onset Detection Function Type" ; dc:description """Type of onset detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 7 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 3 ; vamp:value_names ( "Energy Based" "Spectral Difference" "High-Frequency Content" "Complex Domain" "Phase Deviation" "Kullback-Liebler" "Modified Kullback-Liebler" "Spectral Flux"); . plugbase:aubiotempo_param_peakpickthreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "peakpickthreshold" ; dc:title "Peak Picker Threshold" ; dc:description """Peak picking threshold, the higher the least detection""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 1 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 0.3 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiotempo_param_silencethreshold a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "silencethreshold" ; dc:title "Silence Threshold" ; dc:description "Silence threshold, the higher the least detection" ; dc:format "dB" ; vamp:min_value -120 ; vamp:max_value 0 ; vamp:unit "dB" ; vamp:default_value -70 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiotempo_output_beats a vamp:SparseOutput ; vamp:identifier "beats" ; dc:title "Beats" ; dc:description """List of times at which a beat was detected""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; vamp:sample_type vamp:VariableSampleRate ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature ; # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiotempo_output_tempo a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "tempo" ; dc:title "Tempo" ; dc:description """Overall estimated tempo""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "bpm" ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; # vamp:computes_event_type ; # vamp:computes_feature # vamp:computes_signal_type ; . plugbase:aubiomfcc a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Mfcc Extractor" ; vamp:name "Aubio Mfcc Extractor" ; vamp:category "Low Level Features" ; dc:description """Detect levels below a certain threshold""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiomfcc" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "4" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiomfcc_param_nfilters ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiomfcc_param_ncoeffs ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiomfcc_output_mfcc ; . plugbase:aubiomfcc_param_nfilters a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "nfilters" ; dc:title "Number of filters" ; dc:description """Size of filterbank used to compute MFCCs (fixed to 40 for now)""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 40 ; vamp:max_value 40 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 40 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiomfcc_param_ncoeffs a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "ncoeffs" ; dc:title "Number of coefficients" ; dc:description """Number of output coefficients to compute""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 1 ; vamp:max_value 100 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 13 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiomfcc_output_silencelevel a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "mfcc" ; dc:title "Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients" ; dc:description """List of detected Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients""" ; dc:description """""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; a vamp:QuantizedOutput ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; . plugbase:aubiomelenergy a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Mel-Frequency Bands Extractor" ; vamp:name "Aubio Mel-Energy Bands Extractor" ; vamp:category "Low Level Features" ; dc:description """Compute energy in each 40 mel-frequency bands""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiomelenergy" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "4" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiomelenergy_param_nfilters ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiomelenergy_output_melenergy ; . plugbase:aubiomelenergy_param_nfilters a vamp:Parameter ; vamp:identifier "nfilters" ; dc:title "Number of filters" ; dc:description """Size of filterbank used to compute mel bands (fixed to 40 for now)""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 40 ; vamp:max_value 40 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:default_value 40 ; vamp:value_names (); . plugbase:aubiomelenergy_output_melenergy a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "melenergy" ; dc:title "Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients" ; dc:description """List of measured energy in each Mel-frequency bands""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 0 ; . plugbase:aubiospecdesc a vamp:Plugin ; dc:title "Aubio Spectral Descriptor" ; vamp:name "Aubio Spectral Descriptor" ; vamp:category "Low Level Features" ; dc:description """Compute spectral description function""" ; foaf:maker :maker ; dc:rights """GPL""" ; # cc:license ; vamp:identifier "aubiospecdesc" ; vamp:vamp_API_version vamp:api_version_2 ; owl:versionInfo "4" ; vamp:input_domain vamp:TimeDomain ; vamp:parameter plugbase:aubiospecdesc_param_specdesctype ; vamp:output plugbase:aubiospecdesc_output_descriptor ; . plugbase:aubioonset_param_specdesctype a vamp:QuantizedParameter ; vamp:identifier "specdesctype" ; dc:title "Spectral Description Function" ; dc:description """Type of onset detection function to use""" ; dc:format "" ; vamp:min_value 0 ; vamp:max_value 7 ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:quantize_step 1 ; vamp:default_value 3 ; vamp:value_names ( "Spectral Flux" "Spectral Centroid" "Spectral Spread" "Spectral Skewness" "Spectral Kurtosis" "Spectral Slope" "Spectral Decrease" "Spectral Rolloff" ); . plugbase:aubiospecdesc_output_descriptor a vamp:DenseOutput ; vamp:identifier "specdesc" ; dc:title "Spectral Descriptor Output" ; dc:description """Values computed on consecutive spectral frames""" ; vamp:fixed_bin_count "true" ; vamp:unit "" ; vamp:bin_count 1 ; vamp:computes_signal_type af:Signal ; .